This leaflet tells you about certain standards of service which you can expect from the Crime Wing of the Hong Kong Police Force. It also tells you the steps you can take if you want to seek explanations or make comments on the service you receive.
This performance pledge covers the following police work:
- criminal investigation;
- witness reassurance;
- issuance of certificates of no criminal conviction (CNCC); and
- handling of applications for sexual conviction record check (SCRC).
Criminal Investigation
- Police will respond to all reports of crime, and for crimes that are
listed as SERIOUS according to internal guidelines, police will inform the
complainant of the progress of the investigation every six months.
- Police will inform a complainant:
• of the name, rank, and office telephone number of the officer-in-charge
of the case;
• when a person has been arrested and charged in connection with the
• not later than four weeks after the investigation is concluded or
whenever enquiries are curtailed; and
• not later than four weeks after the determination of any trial
concerning the case.
- When a court orders the return of a person’s property which has been
used as an exhibit, this will be returned as soon as possible following
the expiration of the appeal period.
- Property not required as an exhibit will be returned to the owner as
soon as possible.
Witness Reassurance
- When you make a report of crime, you will be provided with the name,
rank, service number and contact telephone number of the officer-in-charge
of the case. A Report Reference Card containing these details will be
given to you.
- If you are the victim of a sexual offence, you will normally be
interviewed in private by an officer of the same sex.
- Juveniles (persons aged under 16) and mentally incapacitated persons
will normally be interviewed in the presence of a parent, guardian or
other appropriate adults, except if a delay would cause undue hindrance to
the furtherance of justice or might cause harm to others.
- If you are required to attend court as a witness, you will be informed
of the date, time and location of the hearing once this is known.
- Witnesses will be provided with suitable protective measures in all
cases where a genuine threat is assessed to exist.
- Mentally incapacitated persons as well as child witnesses of cases of
sexual abuse, cruelty, assault or a threat of injury to others, may have
their interviews video recorded for the purpose of tendering as evidence
in court or may give evidence through live television link during the
court trial.
Issuance of CNCC
Certificates will be issued within four calendar weeks after applications
are received by the CNCC Office, 14/F, Arsenal House, Police Headquarters,
No.1 Arsenal Street, Wan Chai, Hong Kong.
Handling of applications for SCRC
Eligible applicants should make advance appointment through the
Auto-Telephone Answering System (ATAS) at 3660 7499 no less than one
working day in advance of the intended appointment and attend in person at
the SCRC Office located at 14/F, Arsenal House, Police Headquarters, No.1
Arsenal Street, Wan Chai, Hong Kong to submit an application. If an
applicant does not have a conviction record against the specified list of
sexual offences, the check result will be uploaded onto the ATAS within
seven working days after the application.
The Police Force will monitor these standards through analysis of investigation of every report of crime.
The Police Force aims to provide a fair, proficient and professional investigation of every report of crime.
There may be occasions when, despite our best efforts, you feel that the standard of service provided could have been better. If you require an explanation, or have any suggestions that may help improve our service, you may contact the Police Community Relations Officer of your local police station or write to your local police station.
In the case of CNCC, you may contact the officer-in-charge of the CNCC Office at 2860 6555.
In the case of SCRC, you may contact the officer-in-charge of the SCRC Office at 2860 1955.
If you wish to complain that your case has not been dealt with adequately, you may:
- lodge a complaint in person to any police station;
- telephone the 24-hour complaint hotline (2866 7700);
- write to Complaints Against Police Reporting Centre, Ground Floor, Annex
Block, Caine House, No.3 Arsenal Street, Wan Chai, Hong Kong;
- fax to Complaints Against Police Reporting Centre (2200 4460 / 2200 4461
/ 2200 4462);
- use the e-report form (Complaint Against Police) on the Police Public
Page (; or
- use the “e-Report Room” function on the Police's smart-phone
application, "Hong Kong Police Mobile App".
For further information on matters stated in this leaflet, you may
contact the Police Community Relations Officer of your local police
station. The following leaflets may also be useful to you and are
available from any police station, or accessible from the Police website:
- Victim’s Charter;
- Rights of Victims and Witnesses of Crime;
- Witness in Court;
- Notes to CNCC applicants; and
- Notes to SCRC applicants and employers.
Hong Kong Police Force November 2017
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